Kalodiki Marsh
The helophytic plant communities, among which some species of special scientific interest and of particular aesthetic value have been recorded, exhibit great diversity.

The marsh holds an important position among the ecological systems in Western Greece due to its unique formation of areas of peat rich soil that have great aesthetic value.
Ecotope groups:
* Eutrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation
* Brushwood Sarcopoterium spinosum
* Sclerophillous grazed forests (dehesas) with Quercus ilex
* Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and Carex davalliana
* Alba galleries with Salix alba and Populus alba.
Animal species:
* Lutra lutra
* Testudo hermanni
* Testudo marginata
* Emys orbicularis
* Elaphe quatuorlineata.